Aerial Mosquito Control Treatment in Non-residential Marsh Area to Reduce Nuisance Mosquito Populations on 2/14/24
We are scheduled to conduct an aerial mosquito-larva-control treatment on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in the Palo Alto flood basin, a non-residential area along the San Francisco Bay. This treatment will prevent the growth of mosquitoes currently breeding in the flood basin, specifically the winter salt marsh mosquito (Aedes squamiger). Winter salt marsh mosquito species can fly up to 20 miles in search of a blood meal. They are opportunistic feeders and aggressive biters. This treatment will significantly reduce the mosquito population and prevent adult mosquitoes from flying off into neighboring communities.
The control treatment is scheduled to start at approximately 7:30 a.m. and last a few hours. We will post signs at various locations around the treatment area to notify visitors and trails will be closed to the public during the treatment. There is no risk of exposure to pesticides on open trails and the public will be able to access all areas after the treatment is complete.
For more information on the scheduled control treatment, please view our advisory. To learn more about our mosquito control efforts, please visit our mosquito larval control page.
Treatment Information
Treatment Date | Treatment Location | Press Release | Pesticide Used | Pesticide Safety Data Sheet (SDS) | Pesticide Label |
2/14/2024 | Palo Alto Flood Basin | Press Release Link | Vectobac12AS Altosid SR 20% |