Skunk exclusion DIY
Skunks burrowing under structures can be a nuisance to homeowners and their pets. Learn how to exclude skunks along hard surface walls.
Have you heard the buzz? Protect yourself from mosquitoes
Don't give mosquitoes a chance: dump and drain
Newsbeat vector video
Mosquitoes: lab abuzz with disease detectives
West Nile Virus and climate - a summer intern project
Learn all about the research one of our summer interns, Valerie Nguyen, did for the District over the summer of 2022. Tune in to learn about the relationship between climate factors and West Nile virus transmission.
District services overview and the town of Los Altos Hills
Watch one of the educational presentations we provided to the Town of Los Altos Hills residents through our outreach program. Learn about the unique vector control issues for Los Altos Hills area and the services that the County of Santa Clara Vector Control District offers.